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March. 01st 2024 The CEDIC '24 archive is online!

CEDIC '24 is over - many thanks to all participants, speakers, partners and helpers for coming, your presentations, the exhibition and the many nice, informative discussions!
The archive is now online. Take a look back at CEDIC '24 in the picture gallery - and for all participants the lectures and workshops are available for download!
Februrary. 04th 2024 Information about the opening event / Information zur Eröffnungsveranstaltung!

On 22nd March 2024 from 06:30 pm, the international telescope exhibition on the occasion of CEDIC will be open at the Ars Electronica Center. The opening of the CEDIC itself will take place from 07:30 pm in Deep Space. Details about the opening can be found here: CEDIC Opening

Am 22. März 2024 ab 18:30 Uhr ist die internationale Teleskopausstellung anlässlich der CEDIC im Ars Electronica Center geöffnet. Die Eröffnung der CEDIC selbst wird ab 19:30 Uhr im Deep Space stattfinden. Details zur Eröffnung finden Sie hier: CEDIC Eröffnung
February. 6th 2024 Registration for CEDIC '24 is closed!
As of 6th of February 2024, all tickets for CEDIC 2024 are sold. Registration is now closed.
December. 15th 2023 Registration for CEDIC '24 is now open!
Secure yourself one of 130 tickets and visit our registration page for further information: Registration
December. 1st 2023 Opening of registration - postponement!
For technical reasons we have to postpone the opening of registration until December 15th. The agenda of CEDIC '24 is completely online - have fun browsing through our program!
November. 30th 2023 Agenda of the CEDIC '24 is online!
Take a look at the list of our speakers, the lectures and workshops! -> AGENDA 2024
The conference will traditionally start on Friday afternoon with the Come Together. Take the opportunity to meet our partners, the conference team and other astrophotographers from all over the world in a relaxed atmosphere. Your conference pass also includes free admission to the exhibitions at the Ars Electronica Center. So take your time and enjoy the afternoon before the opening event.
June. 24th 2023 Important information about 7th CEDIC!
It is with great pleasure that we can announce the date for CEDIC '24: it will take place at the Ars Electronica Center in Linz from 22nd to 24th of March 2024! Russell Croman will be our key speaker and we are sure that he will have a very interesting lecture in his luggage.
July. 31th 2022 CEDIC Team goes Namibia!
Around new moon May / June 2022, we had the opportunity to spend 14 wonderful nights under perfect starry skies at Rooisand Desert Farm in Namibia, kindly invited by DeepSkySafaris. Since today part #1 - "Clusters in Carina" is online. Check out the results in the "CEDIC team goes" section!
January. 07th 2022 Important information!
And COVID-19 still has us firmly in its grip. The development is - globally and in Austria - so dynamic that no serious predictions can be made about what will be possible in a few weeks - or not. We have therefore decided with a heavy heart to postpone CEDIC one last time - hopefully. We have our sights set on spring 2023 and are confident that we will then be able to hold another relaxed conference with top-class speakers.
June. 08th 2021 APF-R by Christoph Kaltseis has made it!
Introduced at CEDIC '15, APF-R, which has been further developed and refined since then, is now available as a plugin from Picture Instruments for Adobe Photoshop CC. With just a few clicks to artifact-free sharpening - not only for astrophotos. The process is now even used for images of the Hubble Space Telescope!
November. 24th 2020 We all know about the current, global difficulties, especially when it comes to travel. The well-being of our CEDIC participants and speakers is our top priority. Therefore we have decided to postpone the 7th CEDIC by one year.
The new date is March, 18-20, 2022.
May. 19th 2020 More than one year has already passed by since last CEDIC. Presentation Downloads are public available now.
Please visit the Downloads section of the CEDIC '19 archive
Mar. 17th 2019 Announcing CEDIC'21: Save the date! The next CEDIC is scheduled for March 5-7, 2021 in Linz, Austria
Mar. 17th 2019 CEDIC'19 is over now and it was a great anniversary conference.
We want to say THANK YOU! to all participants, speakers, partners & friends who supported us and made this conference possible!
Mar. 16th 2019 Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) by our key-speaker Martin Pugh - NGC 3324 in Carina
Mar. 15th 2019 We are proud to announce that today's APOD is once again an image made by CEDIC founder Christoph Kaltseis. What a fantastic start for the conference!  A View Toward M101
Feb. 22nd 2019 Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) by Christoph Kaltseis - CEDIC Team - NGC 4565: Galaxy on Edge
Feb. 19th 2019 The preparations for CEDIC'19 are going very well and we are happy about the great interest in the conference. As a result, the conference is already fully booked and the registration has to be closed. Thank you very much for your understanding!
Please note that it's NOT possible to come to CEDIC'19 without registration. We do NOT have ticket selling on location!
Feb. 4th 2019 Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) by Josep M. Drudis - Speaker at CEDIC '19 - Henize 70: A Superbubble in the LMC
Jan. 31st 2019 Dear Astrophotographers! CHILESCOPE team invites you to participate in our International Astrophoto Processing Competition.
Object: Fox Fur Nebula, an H II region located in Monoceros constellation. Exposure time 27 hours, LRGB-Hα
More information and details about participation, download, ... can be found on the Website of CHILESCOPE
Jan. 29th 2019 Dear CEDIC friends! Possibly one or the other had problems with the registration in the last days. We are sorry - there was a temporary problem with the server, but it is fixed now. The registration is working fine again - Registration
Jan. 22nd 2019 We want to say "Thank you!" to all our partners whose contribution enables this conference!
Please do not hesitate to contact our partners if you would like to view a specific product at CEDIC! Partner
Jan. 16th 2019 If you are considering an astrophotographic holiday on La Palma, then the following workshops conducted by Christoph Kaltseis might be of interest to you. Dates: 24.4-1.5.2019 / 18.9.-25.9.2019 / 20.11.-27.11.2019
Take a look at one of his famous pictures taken in La Palma: Deep Orion with UDI / Questions to: christoph.kaltseis [at]
Jan. 14th 2019 In the new moon phase around the 1st of Dec 2018 Christoph Kaltseis, Bernhard Hubl and Markus Blauensteiner could capture a large number of fine images during a wonderful one-week stay at ATHOS Centro Astronómico, La Palma. CEDIC Team goes La Palma 2018
Jan. 1st 2019 We wish all friends and partners a happy new year 2019 and looking forward to welcoming you to the 10th anniversary of the conference.
Dec. 27th 2018 Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) by our key speaker Martin Pugh - NGC 1365 Majestic Island Universe
Dec. 1st 2018 Conference Registration for CEDIC '19 is open now! Please visit our registration page for further information: Registration
Nov. 24th 2018 We want to say "Thank you!" to all our partners whose contribution enables this conference! - Partner
Nov. 15th 2018 The conference programme is fixed and all information on lectures, workshops and speakers are online - Agenda
Nov. 5th 2018 Congratulation to Christoph Kaltseis who joined the Celestron Team as Celestron Ambassador. Read more ...
Oct. 17th 2018 Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) CEDIC Team / Bernhard Hubl - Messier 15
Oct. 8th 2018 The schedule for the conference with the latest information on the speakers, lectures and workshops is online. open AGENDA
Sep. 27th 2018 Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) CEDIC Team / Christoph Kaltseis - Messier 33
Our CEDIC special is Messier 33 as Jpeg file, size is 50% of the original image. You can use it for privat and we hope you like it. Download M33
Sep. 16th 2018 The next image of our cooperation with Chilescope . NGC 6302, also called the Bug Nebula or the Butterfly Nebula, is a bipolar planetary nebula in the constellation Scorpius. More information: CEDIC Team goes Remote - Chilescope 2018
Aug. 24th 2018 The schedule for the conference is online - AGENDA 2019
The conference starts on Friday at 16:00 with the Come Together. Take the opportunity to meet our partners, the conference team and other astrophotographers from all over the world in a relaxed atmosphere. Your conference pass also includes free admission to the exhibitions at the Ars Electronica Center. So take your time and enjoy the afternoon before the opening event at 19:30.
Jul. 27th 2018 The next spectacular galaxy image by CEDIC team member Bernhard Hubl - NGC 4151. A supernova is also visible in NGC 4151 (SN 2018aoq). For a high-resolution image, a gif animation of the supernova, a widefield image and object identification see: NGC 4151
Jul. 18th 2018 More images with the new RASA 36 Rowe-Ackermann Schmidt Astrograph from CEDIC team member Christoph Kaltseis -
Jul. 12th 2018 Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) CEDIC Team Bernhard Hubl - Centaurus A
Jul. 9th 2018 Follow us on FACEBOOK to stay informed with the latest information about the conference and other activities of the CEDIC team.
Jul. 7th 2018 During the past few month the CEDIC Team could testdrive the 1.0m telescope of the new remote imaging facility Chilescope and we hope that you enjoy this new chapter of CEDIC Team goes ...
Please visit: CEDIC Team goes Remote - Chilescope 2018
Apr. 17th 2018 Part II-4 of our La Palma 2017 Images - Nebulae in Monoceros - is online now!
Please visit: CEDIC Team goes La Palma 2017-2 - Part #4
Apr. 16th 2018 We proudly announce Martin Pugh from Australia as our key-speaker at CEDIC '19
Please visit the conference page for the full story!
Apr. 10th 2018 Presentation Downloads from CEDIC '17 are public available now!
Please visit the Downloads section of the CEDIC '17 archive
Mar. 12th 2017 Announcing CEDIC'19 - save the date!
The 6th CEDIC is scheduled for March 15-17, 2019 in Linz, Austria
Mar. 10th 2017 CEDIC'17 opening today!
Looking forward to meet you all at the Ars Electronica Center ...
Feb. 22nd 2017 CEDIC'17 is fully booked now - registration closed!
We are looking forward to welcome all of you at our conference soon.
Feb. 19th 2017 Today we got a nice parcel from ESO - the lanyards for the conference passes and some other cool stuff
Thank you very much Lars Lindberg Christensen & ESO
Feb. 4th 2017 We are happy to announce, that a new partner: PrimaLuceLab from Italy joined CEDIC '17
Thank you to all our partners & sponsors!
Dec. 24th 2016 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all friends of CEDIC!
Dec. 1st 2016 Conference Registration for CEDIC '17 is open now!
Please visit our registration page for further information: Registration
Nov. 24th 2016 Only one week left until we will open the Conference Registration for CEDIC '17 on December 1st!
If you want to stay informed about important updates regarding CEDIC '17 please subscribe to our Newsletter
Nov. 6th 2016 Part #8 of our Chile Images - Galaxies south of Helix - is online now!
Please visit: CEDIC Team goes Chile 2015 - Part #8
Sep. 18th 2016 Part #7 of our Chile Images - Corona Australis - is online now!
Please visit: CEDIC Team goes Chile 2015 - Part #7
Jul. 28th 2016 Part #6 of our Chile Images - Heart of Milky Way - is online now!
Please visit: CEDIC Team goes Chile 2015 - Part #6
Jun. 27th 2016 Announcing Adam Block as our key-speaker at CEDIC '17
Please visit the conference page for the full story!
Jun. 15th 2016 Part #5 of our Chile Images - Heart of Milky Way - is online now!
Please visit: CEDIC Team goes Chile 2015 - Part #5
May 3rd 2016 Part #4 of our Chile Images - Large Magellanic Cloud - is online now!
Please visit: CEDIC Team goes Chile 2015 - Part #4
May 1st 2016 The new CEDIC homepage is online now! We have redesigned our webpage for a fresh, modern look and the new site is fully responsive. You can easily view it with any device from your mobile phone up to a big 27-inch desktop monitor. We hope that you enjoy the new design and your visit on our new page ;-)
Mar. 13th 2016 Part #3 of our Chile Images - Small Magellanic Cloud - is online now!
Please visit: CEDIC Team goes Chile 2015 - Part #3
Mar. 10th 2016 Presentation Downloads from CEDIC '15 are public available now!
Please visit the Downloads section of the CEDIC '15 archive
Jan. 30th 2016 Part #2 of our Chile Images - South of Orion - is online now!
Please visit: CEDIC Team goes Chile 2015 - Part #2
Dec. 13th 2015 Part #1 of our Chile Images - Orion Upside Down - is online now!
Please visit: CEDIC Team goes Chile 2015 - Part #1
Dec. 11th 2015 The CEDIC Team presents the Chile 2015 tour. Please have a look at:
CEDIC Team goes Chile 2015
Mar. 8th 2015 Announcing CEDIC '17: Save the date!
The 5th CEDIC is scheduled for March 10-12, 2017 in Linz, Austria