Once again we want to say thank you to all our partners, helping hands, speakers and last but not least to all conference attendees who have contributed to the success of the conference. After a year of hard work and preparation we were very happy, that the conference went so well for everyone.
The Central European Deep Sky Imaging Conference (CEDIC) is a growing event that sees more international attendees each time. In March 2017 the fifth CEDIC took place in Linz (Austria) with more than 170 participants from 20 countries. This time the conference was already fully booked five weeks before CEDIC opened its doors!
The CEDIC conference started on Friday afternoon with an informal come together of the attendees, partners and CEDIC team members. In the evening a public event in the Deep Space of the Ars Electronica Center took place. Beside photographs from our speakers a selection of the best APOD images from science were presented. Dr Jerry Bonnell, one of the editors of APOD, explained these fascinating images from different fields of science. Nearly 300 visitors were impressed by the breathtaking technical possibilities of the Deep Space.
On Saturday and Sunday, there was a densely packed schedule with simultaneous lectures and workshops. The presentations were on a very high level and covered a wide range of subjects in astrophotography, so there was something for everyone. Needless to say, technical subjects like mosaic creation, image acquisition and image processing of CCD, narrow-band and DSLR images and remote imaging played an important role in the lectures and workshops. But also TWAN related topics like time lapse photography and a lecture about galaxy science were covered. Our key speaker Adam Block gave an unusual, but very impressive lecture about the concept of beauty in astrophotography.
The lectures and workshops played of course a central role during CEDIC'17. It should also be mentioned, that CEDIC is also well known for another important aspect: Meeting astrophotographers and friends from all over the world, exchanging not only knowledge but also hanging around together and have fun. Maybe this is the reason why most of the conference attendees also join the traditional Conference Dinner on Saturday evening.
We are already looking forward to the next CEDIC which is scheduled for 15th - 17th of March 2019, once again in Linz, Austria.
CEDIC Spotlight Team
Agenda - CEDIC '15
Agenda - CEDIC '15
Agenda - CEDIC '15
Agenda - CEDIC '15
Partner - CEDIC '15
#1 - Apogee Imaging Systems (USA)
#2 - Astrodon Imaging (USA)
#3 - Astronomischer Arbeitskreis Salzkammergut, Observatory Gahberg (AT)
#4 - Linzer Astronomische Gemeinschat - LAG (AT)
#5 - Astroshop (DE)
#6 - Atik Cameras (UK)
#7 - Baader Planetarium (DE)
#8 - European Southern Observatory (DE)
#9 - Finger Lakes Instrumentation (USA)
#10 - Intercon Spacetec (DE)
#11 - Nikon Austria (AT)
#12 - Officina Stellare (IT)
#13 - Teleskop-Service (DE)
#14 - Tourismusverband Linz (AT)
#15 - Astronomischer Arbeitskreis Salzkammergut, Observatory Gahberg (AT)
#15 - Wacom Europe (DE)